The 2023 Dave Scribner Memorial Cutting and Saddle Shootout that was held October 6th - 8th in Verndale, MN was a great show! Congratulations once again to the Saddle Shootout winners Ashley Owen and Shawna Parsons. A special thank you to Dava Scribner and family for once again in sponsoring the saddles.
Thank you to everyone who helped to make the show a success: Jeff Pauly for securing cattle and the venue; Joan Pauly for buying the beverages and supplies for the pizza dinner; JP Bell and Leigh Gall for organizing the Calcutta; and Jenna Bell for running the music during the shootout. John Moder gave a very heartfelt tribute to Dave and presented the flag during the National Anthem that was beautifully sung by Heidi Schiefelbein. Be sure to check out all the wonderful photos at RCK Images Photography, LLC.
Congratulations to Darel Murphy and Kila Butler who earned their Rookie buckles. John Moder was all smiles as he won the 2023 Sylvan Nelson $1,000 Rider Traveling Trophy. So many great moments from a very special weekend to honor our “Lost Cowboy”.

Above: Ashley Owen and "Whats In That Cat" with Dave Scribner's daughter Michelle, and his granddaughters Ariel and Zuri, along with Bob and Anita Janssen of Janssen Performance Horses, LLC.

Above: Shawna Parsons aboard "Pharrel", pictured along with the rest of their proud crew!